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Acrylic One

A1 Thixotrope A

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A1 Thix A is an additive to thicken the product into a gel. This thixotropy agent is used to make gelcoats and to manufacture vertical or overhanging parts. Add the A1 Thix A to the created A1 until the desired thickness (viscosity) is reached. The maximum percentage A1 Thix A you can add is 2% to the total weight. Adding more eliminates the effect again.

Watch the video about using thickeners:

Top layer A1
When working in the mould, the 1st layer (called top layer) of A1 is important, as this is ultimately the visible layer. By using the A1 Thix A you can turn the A1 into a beautiful pasta. Because of the thickening, the A1 stays in place, even when working in a mould with vertical parts. To ensure this top layer has enough thickness we suggest the following working method:

  • Mix the A1 Liquid with the A1 Powder until a smooth mixture is obtained.
  • Add to the A1, mixture if desired, pigment in the right colour and/or other materials such as dried sand or metal powders.
  • Add A1 Thix A until the desired thickness (viscosity) is reached. The maximum percentage of A1 Thix A you can add is 2%. Adding more will eliminate the effect.
  • Apply the A1 top layer to the mould with a brush, for example. Keep a layer thickness of at least 1 mm.
  • After gelling of the top layer (normally between 20 – 30 minutes) we advise to continue working the next A1 (glass
    fiber reinforced) within 1 hour to keep the adhesion optimal.

Want to learn more about A1 (Acrylic One)?  Download our 
A1 Manual.

On the A1 ACADEMY you will find a lot of information and frequent asked questions by our customers.

A1 Thixotrope A